Why am I still here?
It is a very important time right now and here. Why? In my lifetime research of who I really am, what is my purpose, and what I have to do in this body…
Natural Deodorants?
as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualified purchases. Don’t give up! First and foremost a deodorant and an antiperspirant are two different things. A deodorant accomplishes precisely what its name implies. In…
Psychedelic Drugs
Let me ask you something. How long can you live eating tasteless pre-packaged diet meals that leave you disappointed and disgusted, strict and complicated or impossible to stick with? Stop dieting and…
Doing Nothing by ct
Hello Friends Today we will have a conversation about one thing you need to do this week. Just one thing and there’s a reason why you and I are going to talk about…
How To Lose Belly Fat by CT
as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualified purchases. # Get your Stomach Thin & Fit Just by Sitting Down If you’re looking for those great abs without doing sit-ups without…
Morning Routine With a Pet
Let’s have a look at how to build a successful morning routine with a pet /dog in their life and Why your pet should be your workout buddy? It’s all about teaching people…
Losing Weight by ct
as an amazon associate, I earn from qualified purchases. # Losing weight without diet and exercise in your 50s? You gotta be kidding me how’re gonna do this, especially in our 50s? Trying…
Benefits of Fasting
as an amazon associate, I earn from qualified purchases # Fasting is Health Time away from foods and snacks and sugary drinks. If you believe there are any benefits from allowing ourselves…
Intermittent Fasting and Workout
as an amazon associate, I earn from qualified purchases A First Glance Intermittent Fasting seems pretty counter-intuitive. When it comes to improving body composition, skipping breakfast, consuming 0 calories for several hours on…
Anti-Hunger Molecule
as an amazon associate, I earn from qualified purchases A new study has pinpointed A Molecule that Suppresses Hunger After Intense Exercise. What is this all about it? Whenever we push our muscles…