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Brain Exercises


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Neuroscientists explain what happens inside your brain when you are working out. Let’s get to look in-depth at this subject.

Doctor Terry Schrader from Harvard Health Institute states that exercise benefits your body and your brain. The researches now show that exercise can improve our memory or problem solving, and may even reduce our risk for dementia:


#1. Lower your risk of heart and

circulatory disease

exercise can improve our memory or problem solving



Regular physical activity can lower your risk of heart and circulatory disease by 35% when you are active the heat produced by your muscles increases your body temperature making you feel warmer.



Regular physical activity can lower your risk of heart and circulatory disease


Your heart starts to bit faster pumping more blood to the muscles. You are using your heart which is also a muscle. If you are active regularly it gets bigger and stronger.

Also, your muscles are working harder so they need more oxygen. As you start to breathe faster your blood picks up more oxygen from your lungs.



active regularly more capillaries grow in the muscles

Your lungs work harder to make this happen. Once your blood has picked up oxygen, lose the muscles you are using even then the extra oxygen they need.

If you are active regularly more capillaries grow in the muscles. This is one reason why activity starts to feel easier over time.

For instance, exercise means getting your heart rate up or going for a walk.


When you go for a walk you’ll get your heart rate up there’s no question about that. You will get your heart up but really depends on heart rate. That’s what exercise means, getting your heart rate pushing it 75% of your maximum.

At 75 to 85% is where most people who are exercised through the exercise live. All the studies talked about in terms of compression and improving our ability to take in information and perform on it attest.

HERE Home Workout Videos


#2. Diabetes


In a study for Diabetes at Standford Hospital&Clinics; the researchers find that all exercises are good. The more exercise the better health. I think one of the keys would be consistency.

diabetes study

Here is some great tips

We want to be consistent in the daily regime, particularly if we’re on medication. We even like it better at the same time of day because the body is able to regulate blood sugar a little bit better.

If you’re taking medication and try to do exercise at the same time that day, do you get more consistent in eating patterns and exercise patterns.

Nonetheless, a reasonable regime might be 10 minutes and then building up from them until we hit that hundred 150 minutes that were talking about earlier as an ideal goal for most patients.

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So one of the things I like and try is to make what’s called smart goals. I want YOU to think about specific things that you might do, specific changes, something measurable, attainable. Don’t try to shoot for the moon to make an intervention that you actually think you can do tomorrow. And stick with that’s reasonable and timely.


It’s much better to make small incremental changes and be consistent with them than make a huge change run like a marathon tomorrow and then do nothing for the next rest of the year.

Getting active is great for people with diabetes if you have type 2 diabetes you have too much glucose in your blood probably because you don’t have enough insulin.




#3.Physical Activity


Physical activity helps you use the insulin you do about it, also helps you use glucose even when there is no insertion. Regular physical activity can improve your memory and attention span over time.



#4. Memory and Learning



The bit of the brain involved in memory and learning seems to get bigger. Long term physical activity leads to a lower resting heart rate and lower blood pressure. This helps cut your risk of heart and circulatory disease.

And there are more reasons to smile when you’re active: Your brain produces chemicals called endorphins. These reduce feelings of pain and make you feel more positive.

A research conducted by Dr John Ratey from Harvard Medical School states very clearly the benefits and connection between exercise and the brain’s activity during movement for the improvement of learning and memory.


There was a study for adult-onset attention deficit disorder. An adult who running a marathon with this deficit never had a problem with attention because he been always been running. Now, that’s impressive don’t you think?

The neurosciences reveal that we need to move, that we are born movers as it’s only 10,000 years ago that we were hunter-gatherers. We’ve moved anywhere from 10 to 14 miles a day forging moving from place to place running climbing swimming no one was training for triathlons and marathons everybody was fit before died.

What we know and what happened to over half a year that we were hunter-gatherers is that our brains group and our brains grew from the motor cortex

MOTOR CORTEXa red area there out front in the frontal cortex got added on a piece by piece over those happening in years.

And they essentially added we essentially added on those pieces to help us be the best movers, to think and to plan and predict, and to do all those lovely things that we humans evolved to do with those same nerve cells we use and are stimulated when we move.

That’s one of the key concepts in very hard edge scientists on it and why one of the rebel Hargrove said that’s what we call thinking is a really evolutionary internalization of movement. Here is the book HERE

It is a phrase: Sitting is like smoking!


Sitting is like smoking.

That’s a neat phrase it encapsulates it, and everybody is talking about this and studying, it sees how much mortality morbidity is increasing as we sit.

We know from the studies that when we stand our brains or that little bit better maybe 7% better than we are when we are sitting. That’s why in a lecturer it’s very hard to sit. To be honest II have to move around at a maxim ½ an hour in front of a computer so that keeps me focused.


Because we’re using muscles to stand would be using the large scale to mostly liberal mussels, all that feedback to the brain switches the brain on, which feeds forward to the prefrontal cortex which is where we generate our thoughts and this talk and then where we learn as well as perform.

Exercises for memory loss and learning:


#5. Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline


More and more data and more laboratories are picking up on the effect of movement on the brain. There was an event about the watershed in 1995 when they were worried about the growing problem with boomers of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.


A big MacArthur et al. (2007) study multi countries were looking at what were the things that have prevented the onset of bug replied an agent.

There Were three:

1. Was optimal weight.

2. Was a continuous learning

3. Was exercise

Now even when they factored out the effect on the cardiovascular system that prevention of stroke exercise was really the most robust prevention.

In neuroscience that was a big push that Exercise are preventing the onset of cognitive and Alzheimer’s disease.

In a study at the University of Illinois were many groups have looked at this. One very important took 74-year-olds and divided them into two. One group are all sedentary, and one group began exercising. The other group did stretching and toning but they weren’t getting their heart rates up.

The other group got their heart rates up to about 75% maximum and lasted for about 30 to 40 minutes four times a week. After six months, they looked at their records and MRI scans and found that those who are exercising.


Those areas that are Grey there are areas of brain growth in the 74-year-olds their brains actually did grow with 11% better after exercising for six months.

When we exercise we are producing more of this stuff as the heart beats faster and it will have another effect on slowing down the sympathetic nervous system or the anxiety and panic.



In the End



Getting active cuts down and stress hormones reducing anxiety combine activity with a balanced diet and you’ll help yourself reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week and try to be active every day every 10 minutes counts. OK, now, get your bum up and get to work!

As this here done it, YOU can do it too!

Spread the love

I feel awesome in my skin and I love to be here, on Earth! I love all animals. And I love to take care of this body the only one I will ever have. Obviously, as everyone else I love money, and the feeling of security gives. I looove to help everyone and every living been. This was until I get half-century. I am here because I can't be any more anyone's slave but JUST MY OWN boss. In my life I got enough bullying, discrimination and persecution. Enough is enough! Anyone should respect the piece of God/Universe I am! I understand now why I am here. I am here to learn and carry out the knowledge I gather in this life. To the higher self! Loving the body and the other light souls is the only important thing on this Earth. Wish I can say different but this is true. Because of this, I've done everything for the well-being of this body. Well, at least I've tried to do. I cherish this body that has been given to me and I make everything for my well-being. I lionize exercising in my own comfort every single day. In the past, I've taught classes like yoga, fitness and pilates. You don't have to look like a top model or VIP as J.LO to be able to do this, no no no!


  • Dominique

    Hi. What an interesting article on brain exercises.

    I had never thought about the brain activity during exercising. I am a big fan of exercise and I believe it is essential to homan beings. I agree with you, after all humans were born hunters, therefore they had to move all their life in order to be able to survive.

    Great job!

    Best regards,

  • Kwidzin

    Its always a great topic to blog abouut because personally, i think that the more people blog about this te better. The governments have kept the information from us and stopped us learning more about it for long enough havent they. You should perhaps widen your content collumn and make the text a little smaller, as its awful crammed.

    • Angell

      Yeahhh you are perfectly right. I never understand why the government kept hid this from the population. Because after all at the end if anyone wants to find something, will. Thank you for advice

  • Abel

    I have always enjoyed brain exercises. And I agree with you, that there are many things that influence on our brains health. But I have recently been reading about how important it’s to to exercise. I was even reading that even 5 minutes going up and down the stairs can make us think clearer. I will make a point to exercise more.

    • Angell

      Hi Abel, I’m glad you put that in your mind and happy you like the article. Never is too late for anything. A great teacher of mine told me while exercising that”laziness comes naturally”. I deeply believe that

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