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Weight Loss HULA HOOP

I’m not talking about the potato chip brand lol  – is it really worth it Hula Hoop?



I can not say I am a fitness workout expert but a bit of expertise I do have. Here is the best explanation I have found over the internet.
The experts, well not just them, state that if you can incorporate “Hula Hoops” in your daily workout routine it will definitely burn some calories and will make your heart rise. For just 20 minutes a day in a week, you will certainly lose a few pounds.
We all know that the factors that affect human weight gain are
#1. Personal factors
#2. Community factors
#3. Social influences
#4. Social norms or cultural definition of human body personification, or family pressure

hula hoop


# Weight Loss HULA HOOPS – Why it is worthy?


Let’s see how.
For those over 49 years old and up, this is the video where you can say ” if she can do it I can do it too!” So, go for it is what we can say.

As well in this video is what every beginner should do, watch it very carefully here.


Jeannette Ryals explained very well in her video techniques for beginners how to perform a good Hula Hoop, workout with this amazing but easy device.


 # Material

Although the traditional way to make was through willow, a very strong vine rattan, or grapevines. In today’s world, the modern ones are made from a super padded soft EVA foam which is a skin-friendly and soft material that does not damage the skin when rolled.
Also, is wrapped with a high-quality and durable plastic core which after assembly entire weight is 1.2kg and has a diameter of 100cm.

# Weight Loss

Hula Hoop can be used for weight loss and massage as it has 6-8 hula hoop detachable pieces. It can be used for fitness training/office and for abdominal muscle contour.
It is deeply recommended that the training time for beginners should not exceed 15 minutes to avoid muscle soreness caused by overtraining.

# Hula Hoops Weights

Hula Hoops come in 1×8 pieces easy to assemble with 2.3 pounds weight which measures 38 inches wide when assembled.

# Any Tips?

Include in your daily routine, 5 minutes of hula hoop training. Rotating the hula hoop requires a lot of physical movement of the limbs.
This implies that even 5 minutes of this intense exercise is enough for a fitness circuit and is equivalent to 45-50 minutes of training, in losing calories.
Is well-known that regular exercise can enhance the coordination of the body, can shape appealing curves, and make the body healthier.

# Design

As is very easy to assemble this hula hoop has a nice delightful design and is easy to install and remove. Being composed of 8 removable foam blocks this could save a lot of space when you store and carry it from one place to another.
The sports ring Hula Hoops comes in different sizes also as no two people are the same, and different adjustments for all kinds of people.
The 8 detachable parts of Hula Hoop can be adjusted based on the different body shapes and ages.
For kids, Hula Hoops is composed of 6 parts with 73 cm.
For adults under 50kg, Hula Hoop is coming in 8 parts.
For people over 50 kg, 95 cm thin waist part.
For teenagers and adults, this piece of splendid equipment comes in 1×8 pieces.

# Efficiency

10-20 minutes/day of Hula Hoop is equivalent to 5 hours of walking, running for 1 hour, swimming for 40 minutes, and also is equal to 50 sit-ups.
Hula Hooping can be a fun part of your daily workout routine as the movement of the body stimulates muscles, blood flow, and heart exercise, and helps with weight loss, tone-up, and flexibility.
Sooooooo the question is:
Would you like to have those abs, to improve a great posture? Forget boring core workouts, and enjoy a better way to tone up with Healthy Model Life fitness gear like in my last article here!
Go ahead what are you waiting for, get yours here hula hoop.
If you have any feedback about this article that you have tried out or any questions except the ones I’ve recommended, please feel free to leave any comments below or to admin@fitnessemporiumglobe.com
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I feel awesome in my skin and I love to be here, on Earth! I love all animals. And I love to take care of this body the only one I will ever have. Obviously, as everyone else I love money, and the feeling of security gives. I looove to help everyone and every living been. This was until I get half-century. I am here because I can't be any more anyone's slave but JUST MY OWN boss. In my life I got enough bullying, discrimination and persecution. Enough is enough! Anyone should respect the piece of God/Universe I am! I understand now why I am here. I am here to learn and carry out the knowledge I gather in this life. To the higher self! Loving the body and the other light souls is the only important thing on this Earth. Wish I can say different but this is true. Because of this, I've done everything for the well-being of this body. Well, at least I've tried to do. I cherish this body that has been given to me and I make everything for my well-being. I lionize exercising in my own comfort every single day. In the past, I've taught classes like yoga, fitness and pilates. You don't have to look like a top model or VIP as J.LO to be able to do this, no no no!


  • Alejandra

    Thanks so much for sharing a good article to learn more about WEIGHT LOSS HULA HOOPS, I always wonder if that was just a moment people like to do or if it could be a good way to do a workout, I’m glad I found your article as it has all the information I was looking for, as going to a gym is not a good idea for the moment, getting a hula hoops can be a good way to start workingout at home, is it recommended for a senior person? 

    • Angell

      Hi my dear Alejandra, thank you for your reply.

      I definitely can say that is recommended for all people. I have research and I purchase myself as all over is recommended, you can check again the post I have updated, the lady who’s explaining very well how to move and use the Hula Hoops is, I believe in her 50s or over. So, to answer to your question, YES you can definitely can give a try

  • Ann

    I didn’t know until recently that hula hooping can provide similar results to other types of aerobic activities. On average, women can burn about 165 calories in 30 minutes of hula hooping, and men can burn about 200 calories in 30 minutes of hula hooping. That’s quite a discovery for me.

    • Angell

      Hi Ann, it is a very important thing. You can burn anytime and everywhere calories if you moving not just staying and typing on the computer. The most important thing is to move yes, by any means and by anyhow. so why wouldn’t try the hula hoop or other pieces of equipment, isn’t it?

  • DashDNations

    hula hooping is definitely making a comeback and it was never something i thought about as a serious work out but if the hula hoop is weighted that might make a big difference. Knowing that it’s more than just a child like entertainment is something I’m going to have to consider, weighted hooping could be a hard core workout.

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