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CrossFit Versus Yoga: Choose

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Today we’re gonna see what is the major differences and similarities between yoga and gym or fitness.
The question everybody asks is which is better: should I go to yoga class or should I go to a gym or fitness class or CrossFit to get fit and amazing physics?
What is unique about each of these elite helping? I, personally practise yoga and fitness for many many years.

#1. Holistic vs Good-Looking/

CrossFit Versus Yoga: Choose a Side

It is well proven that Yoga is a holistic science that is designed to develop mental faculties in your brain and a healthy body. Whereas in fitness or gym, the whole purpose is to create a beautiful-looking body and build muscles.
So………. it is very important to know that it has nothing to do with the mind.

#2. Awareness

Yoga practice is 100% awareness of the body and the mind!

 while physical fitness is no awareness involved.

#3. All Systems Involved


Practising yoga affects all the systems in the body.
Yoga practice is holistic and helps in maintaining all our systems whereas in the gym is maintaining the skeletal and muscular system and the circulating system.
Of course, some endorphins are going after the workout. Which can be used to build strength and stamina.

#4. Build Muscles


Yoga exclusively helps build muscle tone whereas the gym helps you grow muscle regulated altogether.
In yoga practice is very gentle and the chances of getting hurt are very minimal whereas fitness gym has been a very very active practice the chances are very high of being hurt and the injuries are.

#5. Instrument & Goal


In yoga practice, the body is just an instrument to achieve the perfection of the mind and well-being. In gym and fitness, the body is the goal.
Asana/the postures in a yoga practice give you more relaxation and stimulation through the parasympathetic system on the body which leads to an energised and refreshing body after practising.
Whereas the gym and fitness affect the sympathetic nervous system which makes the body very active at the end of the session erasing the tiredness and making you drink.
One of my favourite quotes of the well-known yogin Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirumalai_Krishnamacharya) (1888-1989) said: “A strong mind can often carry a weak body but a weak mind can not even carry a strong body”. So, let’s build not just a body but also a strong mind.
But far from the very eldest and at the best of her abilities defiance all ages, the Guinness Book Old records teaching the energetic Tao from a very early age that will impress and persuade even the roughest and stiffest minds in the world, and as one of her student said “ an epitome of strength and energy” enjoy this very moment

Two researchers at the University of Texas one professor favourite yoga the other thought a gym workout would yield more health benefits so they decided to conduct a clinical study to find out as health specialists were surprised yoga stretching balanced core straight or the gym pounding the treadmill pushing up the heart rate which one gets you the biggest bang for your health.
Doctor D.C. Hughes throughout a clinical study tried to find out how exercise helps the body. Some people did yoga others did gym workouts and a third group was just asked to be active in some way consistently for eg swimming or doing anything to move the body for an hour or less per day.

The study asked for the participants to do an hour at a time or three hours per week. One of the study participants, Hannah Darby (a fictional name) thought her yoga programme would win and I would have been right in there putting major bucks on the yoga.
The result surprised everyone. All three workouts were just effective in terms of body fat, fitness physical function were surprised. Another participant at the study sustained that she was thinking was expecting that one would be stronger than the other and probably thought that yoga would be the end of all.
The group who hit the gym wasn’t so surprising but the main thing is that as long as you have an activity that you’re gonna stay regular with, that’s probably the most beneficial.
About 3 hours a week of whatever gets you moving is the key!
To be active for 10 minutes at a time. But for heaven’s sake find something you enjoy and lock in and do it because if you don’t enjoy you just lose time, so keep experimenting to find what you really love and do it from an inside passion.
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 All the participants in the study burn body fat at 4%, but one small difference is that those in the yoga group perform better at stretching and reaching from the inside out.

Key Points to Take Away

# Whether you are a person who loves to do asanas/postures, yoga or pilates practice or you like to go to the gym you can always learn how to meditate and also learn some additional solutions. This will keep your mind active, mentally sharper, and peaceful and what’s more important will help you focus on the practice and wellbeing of your unique body.
# Incorporating yoga practice into the daily routine it can reduce muscle injuries, it can improve the flexibility of the body, it can remove the stiffness of the body.
#Yoga is a holistic science, not just some random postures, it is MUCH BEYOND THAT!
Therefore according to the studies, yoga and gym or home fitness complement each other if practised together. Like the arm strength and core strength that can help you build your posture in a better way.
If you have any feedback about this article that you have tried out or any questions except the ones that I have recommended, please feel free to leave any comments below!
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I feel awesome in my skin and I love to be here, on Earth! I love all animals. And I love to take care of this body the only one I will ever have. Obviously, as everyone else I love money, and the feeling of security gives. I looove to help everyone and every living been. This was until I get half-century. I am here because I can't be any more anyone's slave but JUST MY OWN boss. In my life I got enough bullying, discrimination and persecution. Enough is enough! Anyone should respect the piece of God/Universe I am! I understand now why I am here. I am here to learn and carry out the knowledge I gather in this life. To the higher self! Loving the body and the other light souls is the only important thing on this Earth. Wish I can say different but this is true. Because of this, I've done everything for the well-being of this body. Well, at least I've tried to do. I cherish this body that has been given to me and I make everything for my well-being. I lionize exercising in my own comfort every single day. In the past, I've taught classes like yoga, fitness and pilates. You don't have to look like a top model or VIP as J.LO to be able to do this, no no no!

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